• Why Clean Your Carpets Regularly?

    Here's Reason #1

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Why Regularly Clean Your Carpets and Upholstery?

Don’t assume your carpet and upholstery are clean because they look clean! Even spotless looking carpets and upholstery may be full of germs, dust and soil below the surface. It is recommended that you have your carpets cleaned every 12-18 months whether they appear to be dirty or not.

Let’s be honest. If your carpet and upholstery smell, your whole house smells. Kramer’s Cleaning Service offers odor eliminators to attack odors from many sources, leaving your carpet smelling fresh again.

Why Hire a Professional?

Our truck mounted hot water extraction system has the power to out-clean heavy duty vacuum cleaners, home steam cleaners and portable carpet cleaning units that homeowners may rent. Other systems may partially clean carpets and upholstery, but they may not have the power to remove deeply imbedded soil, dust and pet odors. They normally do not have enough power to properly extract the water either, which is not heated to the temperature needed to properly clean carpet and upholstery. You can be sure that when Kramer’s cleans your carpet and/or upholstery that it is as clean as it gets!